
Some 3d printing stuff

I've been messing around with 3d printers for a while and tried a lot of the options for machines and support systems over the years. I was having a tidy up to sort out the mess on my workbench and found one of the old raspberry pi astroprint units I'd used with one of the older 3d printers I had which I replaced with the excellent Prusa i3Mk2.

Some games I've been playing, Hitman 3, Dyson Sphere Program

So after my Cyberpunk binge and running out of most things to do in Destiny 2 (although the new season starts in two weeks so likely some exotic acquisition grind fests resuming there :S) I've been playing some other things and two of my recent favourites are the recently released sequel hitman 3 and the early access title Dyson Sphere Program two games that are quite different from each other :D

Hitman 3 is basically more of that loveable heartless killing machine Agent 47 in what is essentially murder puzzle simulator 2021.

2021 Bingo Card

OK, so 2020 was properly fucked up. Let's have a quick game of "what's going to happen in 2021"?

Heres some for starters.

  • I reckon that the USA will have it's first ever female president, after Biden is assassinated by a complete MAGA lunatic.
  • New Nintendo Switch will be released
  • The UK's last lockdown will end in August, though vaccinations will not be complete by the end of the year
  • Birmingham will become a desolate wasteland, devoid of intelligent life

Reckon one of those is a sitter...

Replacing Google Music

I've been using Google Music for years...I spent about a week while in Glenrosa ripping and uploading all my CD's across about 4 PC's, having all the CD drives whirring full-time, and I have/had a gloriously curated ~6,000 song/50Gb library of music. I've made a lot of use of the hybrid downloaded/streamed data model on my phone (I spend a fair bit of time out of network it holidays or cycling in the middle of nowhere).

WatchDogs Legion: Lundun init mate cor blimey!

Watchdogs legion the third iteration in the game series the open world hacking simulator which has always been a bit hit and miss with it's protagonist decided this time to just get rid of the protagonist entirely and go with procedurally generated characters you can pick from recruit and assemble into a team.

It was always a bold move for a game with a narrative to just dispose of the main character and rely on rando's and it is a weakness the lack of a focal point for the games story.

Well time to upgrade your car

When I got the Tesla model 3 I went for the Full Self Driving option which of course was somewhat speculative (end of 2019 at the latest said Elon ... still waiting on that :D) they've repeatedly changed what constitutes the "autopilot" as well as changing the cost (they are even talking about having it on a subscription model) and now parts of it come as standard with the base model with them offering things like enhanced self drive and full self drive packages for more cash at various points.