A random thought

Give is to take as foist is to yoink.
That is all ;)
Give is to take as foist is to yoink.
That is all ;)
I preface this blog by saying I am quite staggeringly drunk. I've just got back from the Christmas party I can barely type and I was singing along to the end theme to dirty dancing with a colleagues wife
Let me start with a note: I'm not the original source for this information. I'm distilling infromation from a review site I trust into a (hopefully*) shorter form, targeted at, um, you if you're reading this, especially if you wouldn't normally wade through a full review.
* Not always the case. Ask any Icar player about my recaps of last session.
I finally have a broadband connection in my flat, however I just have to say up to 16m/b my arse.
Speed Down 3616.98 Kbps ( 3.5 Mbps )
Speed Up 644.99 Kbps ( 0.6 Mbps )
I like having projects that stretch me. I liked doing NaNoWriMo alongside EMW. Completing it made me feel all warm inside. Doing it was even more fun. I'm feeling that way about the Steampunk Pirates mod at the moment.
As you know, about a month ago I popped my cherry at trail running, that stupid past-time that involves running routes more sane people avoid like the plague. Having learnt not a thing, this weekend I did another one, this one called the Grim Challenge.
I'm an Uncle again! Sister has dropped sprog 2, 8lb 6oz (a big one). Baby, Mother and father all well (although I imagine my sister's language was profane).
Oh, and Happy Birthday Edward!
*edit* Time was wrong.
1) The fucking star power meter looks fucking mince and it now harder to at-a-glance see how much you have. Where is my throbbing light?!?!?
2) The shape of the controller is irritating as hell.
3) The in-between sections animations.
4) Fuck it, most of the animations actually. The lead singer bloke is just plain distracting.
As a few of you will be aware I recently had the misfortune of breaking my nose in a football game for DC Steamers
I recently got round to changing my address with the bank for my current account.