Some time this month they're doing a new update with automation features
autominers that are slow but more efficeint than normal manual mining
a robot arm thing that will automatically move stuff from one place to another so can say automatically unload a rover and then with filters move stuff for smelting
some new containers
suggestion of automatic power things so you could auto refine organics to carbon with solar in the day then when power drops too low genrators kick in (that one seemed speculative)
other good stuff
Been following this on the dev streams and I think it's going to be one of those updates where the components are kind of simple but have a huge impact to the mid-late game. I've always found the resource grind in the mid-late game a problem. If you want to make exploration rover-bases on big-ish planets then the amount of basic resource you need is massive. The moving the items between machines can get old pretty fast; as can unloading exploration vehicles. It's just busywork (EMW's favourite phrase, borrowing it). It's busy work that leads to a goal but sometimes I just want to be exploring, or base building or collecting research and not mining.