Evilmatt's blog

PAX Day 3

I woke fairly late on day three something like 10am. The sunday is probably the wind down day of PAX there were few events I wanted to look into and I planned to spend the day on the convention floor.

PAX day 2

I woke up early then slept in till 9 checking the Twitter feed there was still space at the main hall so I headed over. I joined the queue and waited and after a few hours got into the place for the PA make a strip panel.

PAX Day one

I flew down on the Thursday the flight was packed and probably had more than its fair share of PAX goers.
Got into Seattle late and took the light rail into town which worked quite well. The hotel was nice pretty fancy I had some food and crashed.

Kihncert 2010

So in my series of concerts the next was Kihncert 2010 put on by the local classic rock station KFOX with one of their Djs and musician Greg Kihn as the front man.

It was down at shoreline a huge amphitheatre near mountain view. My seat was pretty good a little close to the stage for comfort due to the sound pressure level but not actually painful.

Scott Pilgrim

Just went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs the World and it is fucking awesome. Really funny with wonderful comic book come to life visuals set against the backdrop of Toronto. It’s geeky and cool at the same time and it’s definitely a must see. You can see Edgar Wright’s hand in this the slick pace and geek culture references the comedy of the script it’s all good.