Dishonored 2, Tyrany, Robinson
Some games I have been playing recently and thoughts
Some games I have been playing recently and thoughts
In 1.10 those kindly folk at Mojang inserted a great many cool bits and bobs into the game. Most notably was cool stuff in The End. Not just blocks to build with but wings to fly on and other treats. While I've been pottering about and building here and there and working on THE SECRET PROJECT, I've not really had an adventure in a long time (Horse House might have been the last one). So, off to The End to kill the dragon it is!
Looks like the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
It's bloody typical that I just get my green card only to have this country slip off the deep end by electing human embodiment of the colour orange and generally terrible human being DJ Drumph as their president
So I've never really got on with skyrim it seems fun and so on but I always feel a bit disconnected from the world it doesn't pull me in for some reason. On it's close cousin Fallout I've spent loads of time and on the recent fallout 4 I've done multiple play throughs in different characters and gone back to it several time as more things have come along but with skyrim I start off do some bits and then something else comes along and I abandon it.
I made a thing! I decided to give myself 80 minutes to edit a short clip I arrested from last week's game. For those who haven't ridden with us in a while, EMW is driving his 3-wheeler in his pants, Big R is the motorcyclist in the star spangled pyjamas and my character, Satre, is the trouble maker who gets bitten by Karma.
I enjoyed putting the video together, even if the distance-limit was really very annoying.
So shadow warrior was a remake of an earlier duke 3d based game that was swords and guns and piles of gore.
Shadow warrior 2 is more of the same but adds in a load of weapons and a gem's system to augment and change the abilities and damage of the weapons.
So I had a preorder in for PSVR since before I got my holiday cash out that allowed me to buy the vive and I was wavering back and forth between getting the thing as well or canceling it.
Some of the prerelease reviews eventually convinced me to go with it and get one and it turned up today and these are my first impressions having played some of the demos that come with it.
A few shots I gathered last Sunday while rollin' with the chaps.
I stand behind President Evil Matt like a Nazi stormtrooper, waiting for my orders. I managed to find an angle that didn't include any of the NSFW pictures that the club house has splattered all over the walls.
It's increasingly become a tell tale of a game with problems when the publisher doesn't release review copies ahead of the release date Mafia 3 was another of those instances where they played this game holding off the full release to reviewers to try and stop the inevitable bad reviews ruining sales